Is it a myth or fact? Get to know the truth about eye care

thinking and looking up expressing doubt and wonderSometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between fact and fiction. It’s important to know the truth, especially when it comes to your eye care. So sit back, and take a moment to learn a little bit about what’s true and what’s not so true about proper eye care.

Myth or Fact? If I don’t wear my glasses, it will harm my eyes.

The truth is: this depends on the type of glasses you’re wearing. There are some glasses used in the eye care industry that are meant to fix certain vision problems. However, corrective glasses and/or contacts are used to compensate and provide you with better eyesight while you’re wearing them. Since they don’t actually fix your vision, not wearing them won’t cause damage.

Myth or Fact? My eyes could be damaged from reading in dim lighting.

The truth is: reading in dim light can cause your eyes to feel fatigued. However, this will not cause long-term damage. To keep eyes from getting tired, you can opt for a book light that shines directly onto the page.

Myth or Fact? Staring at my computer too much could hurt my eyes.

The truth is: there’s no hard proof that says too much screen time will damage your eyes. What may result is eye fatigue. Your eyes could feel tired, dry, itchy, or even achy from too much screen time. However, no long-term issues have been evidenced thus far. Still, it’s best to follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, shift your eyes away from the screen to look at an object at least 20 feet away from you, for at least 20 seconds. This will help your eyes from experiencing fatigue.

Myth or Fact? I should get a good night’s sleep for proper eye care.

The truth is: not getting enough sleep could be harmful, especially over time. Your body and mind need proper rest in order to function properly. Denying adequate sleep can have some detrimental effects. Short term, you may experience tired eyes, and your focusing ability may be hindered. Too many nights without sleep can lead to dry eye, and when you don’t get enough rest it can make you prone to accidents, including eye injuries. Sleep is essential for proper eye care.

Myth or Fact? I only have to wear my sunglasses during the warmer months.

The truth is: you should be wearing sunglasses all year long. In the winter, the snow reflects the light, plus the sun sits at a different angle. To protect your eyes from UV damage, make sure you’re wearing glasses even in the wintertime. You can buy sunglasses online; just visit a helpful site such as Read our previous blog post on this topic about prescription sunglasses to learn more.

Myth or Fact? I should eat carrots as part of my eye care regime.

The truth is: carrots can provide your body with vitamin A, which can be helpful for your eyes. However, you can also eat leafy greens and fruits, which are also packed with healthy antioxidants and vitamins C and E. In addition, foods like cheese, egg yolk, and liver also contain vitamin A.

Myth or Fact? Sitting too close to the TV can damage my eyes.

The truth is: often times young kids may sit in front of the TV at a close range because they can focus on objects that are closer better than adults can. Don’t fear, this has not been evidenced to cause any damage.

Myth or Fact? There’s no need for an eye exam unless I notice changes in my vision.

The truth is: you may not notice changes immediately. Many changes in your vision can be gradual. Everyone should get regular eye exams, no matter your age or current vision. Keeping up with your eye care can help catch problems early on.

Myth or Fact? Vision loss just happens. There’s nothing I can do to prevent it using an eye care regime.

The truth is: while you can’t prevent all vision loss, there are things you can do to help promote healthy eyes. Make sure you’re taking any safety precautions necessary to prevent your eyes from becoming injured. If your work atmosphere requires safety glasses, invest in a good pair and wear them all of the time. Also, be sure to wear safety glasses anytime a project calls for it at home.

Keeping up with regular eye exams can also help you prevent vision loss. An eye doctor can catch issues early on, which can give you better treatment options.

Myth or Fact? If I wear glasses or contacts it could make my eyesight worse and more dependent on them.

The truth is: your eyes won’t get weaker from wearing glasses. Your vision will only change due to aging or an eye disease, completely unrelated to your contact or glasses prescription.

Now that you know the facts, you can take any steps necessary to keep your eyes healthy. Commit to better vision by taking advantage of excellent eye care. Contact us today: (801) 476-0494