My LASIK experience – M. Perkins

For the last two or three years, my mom has been asking me to consider LASIK surgery to correct my vision. I didn’t mind wearing contacts, so I resisted.

Okay, that’s not true. I resisted out of fear. Pure, irrational fear. The idea of someone slicing my eye open and mixing things around scared the hell out of me. It still does. But, once my mom told me she had plans to go on a LDS mission, I was more easily swayed. She wanted my sister and I to have the surgery before she left so we wouldn’t have to worry about paying for contacts out of pocket. So, we immediately began meeting with my optometrist and I became a candidate for LASIK.

My optometrist referred me to the Ogden office of the Utah Eye Centers where I was scheduled to have the procedure done by Dr. Mark Ballif. Knowing that Dr. Ballif is the founder of the Utah Eye Centers made me less nervous. So, on Thursday Sept. 10 at 7 a.m., with 5 mg of Valium in my system, I underwent the procedure.

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